Astoria Park Alliance is partnering with Benedict Realty Group (BRG) to present the Academy Award winning La La Land, as our first Spring movie screening in Astoria Park.
APA Movie Night blankets will be distributed to the first 50 attendees along with free popcorn for all moviegoers thanks to APA’s partnership with BRG.
"APA Presents Movies Under the Stars" was born out of a desire to schedule a screening for the late spring, when the weather is comfortable and the event calendar is less busy. A weekend evening was specifically targeted along with a title that would be appealing to an adult audience.
For years, we have admired and helped promote the July and August Monday night movie series that Central Astoria LDC has sponsored and hosted in Astoria Park. The Alliance hopes to replicate the old-time drive-in-without-the-drive neighborhood feel that brings a magical sensation to the park.
As the APA organization has grown both in size and capacity, we are continuing to expand free public programming opportunities to the community. The 2017 season was kicked off with our first successful Earth Day event that included over 20 local business partners. Earth Day festivities featured the grand opening of the refurbished Bocce Ball Court that was also made possible thanks to Benedict Realty Group.
La La Land will be screened on the great lawn of Astoria Park overlooking the sunset across the East River and is scheduled to begin at sundown, which is generally around 8:15 pm. Moviegoers are encouraged to bring their own blankets and picnics for the inaugural movie night, which hopes to be an annual tradition for the Astoria Park Alliance.